Saturday, March 29, 2008

Primary 3

When I was primary 3, I was very playful. During recess, I played games like soccer, basketball, etc. I was so focused in the game that I did not even assemble in the school hall. When I saw the time, it was too late. My classmates had went back to the classroom. When I reached the classroom, the teacher scolded harshly. One day, I followed my friends to the garden which was located at the back of the school. When I saw my friends plucking the leaves, I thought that it was very fun so I followed what they were doing. All of us had plucked the stems of the sunflower and leaves.Just at the time, a teacher walked past and saw us plucking the leaves. The teacher immediately brought us to meet the level manager of my level. The level manager scolded us and called up our parents. When we went back to the classroom, our form teacher scolded us again. When I reached home, my mother scolded and caned me using a stick. While she was caning me, she shouted at me that I would definitely failed at the end of the exam. That sentence motivate me, telling me to score as high marks as I could. During the end of the examination, I scored 1 A*, 2 A. My mother was shocked to see that. She boasted around my result boastfully while I stayed at home and played the new games that she had bought for me. What a wonderful day I had.

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